Militarum Tempestus: The Good, Bad & Ugly | Warhammer 40,000 Faction Focus

Avatar Spider October 22, 202018  27 18 Likes

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Spider and Bone chat Good Bad and Ugly for the Tempestus Scions!

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Matt Cargill
Matt Cargill
3 years ago

I really hope they get some new unit options. I mean I know they can take most of the Elite choices because they are Militarum Auxilla but some Spec Ops sentinels or heavy weapon teams would be awesome.

Alex Andersson
Lodge Member
Alex Andersson
3 years ago

Great video guys!

Personally I don’t mind the lack of options. Having several armies with pretty massive ranges I do enjoy armies with a pretty concentrated range, and as such a more concentrated and supported playstyle.

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Ah, the Elysian Tauros. What a model! 20 years old and still makes the Invader ATV look like a reject G.I.Joe toy… change my mind 😜

P M Prescott
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Lawrence made the move from Vultures to Valkyries at the right time since Forgeworld have stopped selling the Punisher Cannons 🙁

Dorn Jr
Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

I would love to see the Scions get a stratagem where they pick a single objective and up to d3 units can drop onto in in their movement phase and immediately seize control of it even if enemy troops control it. Maybe forfeiting shooting but can pile-in and attack to balance it, but something that gives them an advantage for holding off and dropping in with surgical precision in later turns no matter the odds.

3 years ago

these faction focuses are great, though as a newbie it would be great to have a picture of the model you’re referring too.

The Woodsman
Lodge Member
The Woodsman
3 years ago

Its funny because they have ”Punisher Cannons” and got punished…. which is also a pun… Anyhow really enjoyed this guys, I don’t run a full scions list myself, but I do enjoy running a battalion alongside my standard Guardsmen, they really are great fun and can do the business when used right. Just a quick thought about diversity in the Scions list… it definitely would be cool for GW to expand the range. A heavy support Taurox equivalent could be cool, more guns in exchange for losing the transport capacity? Otherwise, a sort of boarding-action unit, with combat shields/shotguns/melee weapons… Read more »

Lodge Member
3 years ago

Great Faction Focus guys. Lovin’ ya work! 👍🏼

3 years ago

There came a point in 8th when I started playing only Scions, and haven’t looked back… I’d love to see you all run a Scions list with a few Bullgryn for added durability and find out to what degree that changes playstyle. Maybe a few members of the Genome received a little too much growth hormones…

Niklas Thiman
Niklas Thiman
3 years ago

New subscriber, love all your stuff.
I feel like the model prices (in real money) could probably make the ugly list for tempestus.

3 years ago

My Colonial Marines themed guard army are saluting you guys right now…

But after watching this I’ve got a great idea for a Wayland Yutarni corps special force containment force… hmmmm🤔

Would love to share some pics.

Lifetime Member
3 years ago

Great run down team. LOVE ME some Spider and B-Bone (the sexiest man on Eagle St Pier!) action!

P M Prescott
Lifetime Member
3 years ago

I’m surprised you guys didn’t mention the almost complete lack of invul saves, The Tempestor Prime not having refractor fields just seems off to me, especially with the special forces lead from the front mentality implied with the scions

Last edited 3 years ago by P M Prescott
Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

I always was tempted by the Scions, expecially cause I see in them the Colonial Marines (@Bone: I’ll watch that film this week end too! I love the director cut edition!)… it’s just that I have already too many armies, and when I finish the “update round” on them it’s already time for a new codex or a new unit. Right now I’m thinking of limiting myself to a Kill Team squad for them and the ‘Nids to have some Alien-like scuffle with my friends… I just need a way to include a Valkyrie. Thank you for the review,as always… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Stefano
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Was waiting for this! A lot of great points in here, I’ve been running scions for about two years now and I think the PA did so much for these guys. I’ve only been able to play two games so far in 9th ed but they have done extremely well ( i did go first both games however), and I do agree that scions need another unit or two or maybe a new character type. Maybe give them heavy weapon teams( specifically a sniper team) which is in the lore or the elysian buggy. Here is to hoping! Stay safe… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by T_Dubbs04
Bastian Birkholz
3 years ago

I love the Scions. I wrote myself a 2000 points list of Lambdan Lions which I will finish within the next month(20 more Scions and Bullgryns and I am done). I started that just because of you, Lawrence! The Scions looked so freaking cool every time.I was also thinking about mixing 2 Regiments and putting Kappic Eagles into Valkyries and the rest of the army as Lambdan Lions.

Sam Shand
Lodge Member
3 years ago

Instead of scion special rules only being plastic scions painted different colours I wish the supplement delved into regiment specified special forces. Like Cadian Kaskin, Catachan devils, Death Korp granadiers

Lodge Warrior Member
3 years ago

All this Aliens talk, think we need an infantry heavy Scions vs Tyranids bloodbath batrep!

Shaun Garrett
Shaun Garrett
3 years ago

I quite like these as it’s interesting to see how 9th has impacted various armies but then I also feel they’re a little moot pre-codex. I suppose it would depend how long the codex took to come and how big the changes were but then you guys were involved in play testing so… *head explodes*

Andrew Davis
Lodge Member
Andrew Davis
3 years ago

Great review, love some tempestus. Though mentioning the elysians did make me sad as you can’t get them any more and they are my favourite guard regiment fluff wise.