Adepta Sororitas vs Necrons 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

The holy warriors of the Sororitas battle the ancient legions of the Necrons, as Beard and Chef command their armies in a Beta Maelstrom of War Mission!
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The Army Lists are:
Adepta Sororitas
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Order Convictions: Valorous Heart
+ Agents of the Imperium +
Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator Armour: Arbiter of the Emperor’s Will- Psychic Mastery, Blackshroud, Force Sword, Psycannon, Powers- Dominate, Castigation
+ HQ +
Canoness: Warlord- Beacon of Faith, Relic- Litanies of Faith, Chainsword, Bolt Pistol
+ Troops +
5x Battle Sister Squad
5x Battle Sister Squad
5x Battle Sister Squad
+ Elites +
Imagifier: Tale of the Stoic
+ Heavy Support +
5x Retributor Squad: 2x Armourium Cherub
Retributor Superior: Chainsword, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Retributor: Multi-melta
5x Retributor Squad: 2x Armourium Cherub
Retributor Superior: Chainsword, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Retributor: Multi-melta
5x Retributor Squad: 2x Armourium Cherub
Retributor Superior: Chainsword, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol
4x Retributor: Heavy Bolter
+ Dedicated Transport +
Immolator: Twin Multi-melta
Immolator: Twin Multi-melta
Immolator: Twin Multi-melta
++ Vanguard Detachment ++
Order Convictions: Bloody Rose
+ No Force Org Slot +
9x Arco-Flagellants: Endurant
+ HQ +
Canoness: Heroine in the Making- Righteous Rage, Open the Reliquaries: Beneficence, Inferno Pistol
+ Elites +
2x Geminae Superia
Preacher: Chainsword, Laspistol
9x Sisters Repentia
+ Dedicated Transport +
Sororitas Rhino
Sororitas Rhino
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
++ Battalion Detachment ++
Dynastyic Code: Novokh
+ HQ +
Catacomb Command Barge: Warlord- Enduring Will, Relic- The Voltaic Staff, Hand of the Phaeron, Gauss Cannon
Chronomancer: Entropic Lance
Technomancer: Dynastic Heirloom- Veil of Darkness, Canoptek Cloak
+ Troops +
10x Immortals: Gauss Blaster
10x Immortals: Gauss Blaster
20x Necron Warriors: Gauss Reaper
+ Elites +
C’tan Shard of the Void Dragon: Powers- Voltaic Storm, Transdimensional Thunderbolt
10x Lychguard: Hyperphase Sword, Dispersion Shield
Triarch Stalker: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon
+ Fast Attack +
9x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
5x Canoptek Wraiths: Vicious Claws
++ Total: 2,000pts ++
Have a question Canoness Beardess? Since you run the Canoness with the relic chainsword is there a reason you don’t just give them a null rod for free? It doesn’t come up in some matches, but it just seems like it’s a free upgrade with no downsides unless I’m reading something wrong.
I loved the new intro. Almost like a sit com.😊
@The Beard
How do you spell the Inquisitor’s name? Phonetically, seems like it’d be spelled ‘Inquisitor HEIDHAGGHAH’
Nice game guys. Such close games are so enjoyable! Beard, I think you played the sisters rather well (with Chef to help with the occassional rule, haha). My main tip would be to use your miracle dice more often for saving throws and even for hit or wound rolls. I felt you were very reserved with using them. Also, the stratagem where you can exchange miracle dice for plusses on a hit, wound or saving roll is really strong. Often better than a command reroll, so keep that one in mind!
Just wanna remind you guys, since I’ve seen this a few times. You need to be able to draw a line to the entire base of the model without going through dense in order to ignore the -1. Just seeing the tip of the spear on the Void Dragon gives you line of sight, but he would still benefit from dense cover.
Very fun game to watch! I like a lot the Chef – Beard duo, I think you synergize to perfection! Keep it up!
Nice win there Beard!! So, if you when next for your “consecutive” wins, will it be haircut time?? I think you should let Bone cut your hair.
93:43 does Bone know you stole Bjorn’s voice for this batrep?!
Void dragon was absolutely the MVP in this game, not just the crazy mortal wound output but tanking all of those melta shots as well. This is the first time I’ve seen a game which really captured the awesome power of a chained star god!
Fantastic match!!
TT custom house rule: Inquisitor Heidegger should get one free ignore hit per game to represent him grabbing and sacrificing the current acolyte Low Dagger “For the Emperor”!
Awesome intro! 😎
Great game! I dont mind the Maelstrom games beeing on the longer end of the spectrum. This game was packed with highlights. Also, Congrats Beard! That Necron-scalp is tough to get as it keeps growing out again
awesome game! I really liked it. And – yes – I might have bought some Necrons…..
It’s crazy how you guys keep finding ways to increase the quality of your content.
Chef showed mercy by not rerolling that 1 for the Void Dragon
Hooray for Necrons!!!
New format with Sanga doing the intro and the preview cuts is 🔥🔥🔥
Chef, I’m pretty sure it’s not the actual score, but I have a feeling you were thinking of a certain video game when you did that after credit scene… Or maybe I’m just really excited for the remastered trilogy and sequel
Beard you LEGEND!.. love it.
I was enjoying the gentle reminders about the number of CP Beard had at the end 😂
Was this 2 consecutive victories Beard? Must the mop atop your head be lopped?
Reaffirming others’ sentiments, the coming up intro is elite
Ha! The post game credits. Love it. I like the little teaser at the start too, great addition.
I thought that intro was gonna be like top gear: ‘Beard rolls a 1’ , ‘Chef has a rant’ …
The Chief is the most underrated cast member.
Beard, beady, Beard… give up on the arco flagellants. Swap them out for more Repentia
Godamn I like this new intro song!
Great game, I love the maelstrom format and can’t wait for them to come out with cards for it. My friend is a big Necron Player and has played listst similar to this, what secondary choices would you recommend with a list like this?
That CTAN is a bit tasty
Love that new “coming up” part at the beginning. You’re constantly improving the quality of your content. Appreciated.
Had to stop my subscription due to a Lack of time, but I’m glad to say I’ve got myself a year subscription now! Looking forward to what the year Will Bring!
Love the new style intro you guys are really setting the standard and constantly innovating
Are those Necrons painted resin color?
When beard killed the Triarch Stalker he used two miracle dice in the same phase for the immolator which is not technically possible which could have prevented the three unit kills which could have been massive. Need to be aware of these minor nuances which can make a massive difference
Cyclonic Torpedo would have solved some problems for you when all the Necrons were in a giant ball. Make that Inquisitor work!
With Novokh’s +1 to charge, Chef’s 7 w the Wraiths should have made it, no?
Such a close game I feel like if Chef rerolled the 1 on the Void Dragons shooting it could have completely change the outcome 😱 can you ask for more?
😒 Kharn phase
😒 Khan phase
Need a campaign with the Deggar Siblings.
What a fantastic game guys. Well done to you both. Loving the intro as well.
Beard can you model High Deggar holding Low Deggar’s corpse as a shield? We must honor his noble sacrifice to the imperium of mankind!
What great Saturday morning entertainment!!!! Love you guys!
Chef – Is there any hope of you bringing the Silent King alongside all of the studio’s Triarch Praetorians?!? The most fun I’ve had with Necrons myself and is completely badass 😈
Awesome battlereport guys.
Congrats to The Spider for his newborn Trueborn. Birthname suggestions: Terry, Kevin and Nigel are all extremely popular among all the cool kids. Remeber little one “Be gooooood to your mother”
love that intro!
New intro style is awesome 🤘
Yasss Saturday and Chefs on Necrons….. Huzzah
As someone who last played 16 years ago and is now just watching battle reports again – when did necrons become space tomb kings? 😀
Nice new intro! @Chef: I never played Necrons before, but between Indomitus and Paria now I have quite a few models on my shelve so I was thinking to let GW win and complete a list. Putting together what I have and trying to buy as little as possible I thought this list… do you think is viable? I have an overlord but my lazyness pushed me to favor the Skorpekh to avoid getting crazy with the protocols. My reasoning was that with the custom traits I might not need many warriors, and I would divide the force in two… Read more »
Wanted to get some advice Chef, running Anrakyr with 2 blobs lychguard using eternal conquerors and arise against interlopers as my codes. Would you say 1 unit shields 1 unit scythes or just both shields? I’d run 3 but points are tight already with 30 immortals and scarabs/doomsday arks plus Anrakyr’s entourage.
Love the little intro! Really sets the tone for the battle report. I can see it now, Beard screaming, Bone claiming he’s a plant, Lawrence laughing like a madman, and Chef with his signature disappointed look, knowing there was clearly a really funny joke said.
Perfect timing, was looking for motivation to work on my void dragon today.
I hope that the cryptek of oz can give chef a heart