Maelstrom of War: Bring Back Schemes of War | Warhammer 40,000 State of Play

Beard and Chef sit down to compare the new Beta version of Maelstrom of War, how they compare to the older version, and what can be done going forward!
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With COVID impacting a lot peoples ability to play regular games of WH40K most people haven’t fatigued on the standard and GT 9th missions as yet. You lads play this with an increased frequency because of the channel and so you’ve identified a need for the variety ahead of most people. I really liked all the points raised and agree that 8th schemes was awesome fun to throw dice to with mates. I really hope they bring it back with a 9th flavour to it.
Old Maelstrom – random, but relevantly random.
New Maelstrom – just random.
The big advantage of Maelstrom is (in my oppinion), that i can play what i like. It is fun. I dont need to build an army which can play the GT-Missions. It is possible to take what i want and it is also possible to win.
My favorit is the 8.Edition version with cards.
I’m stealing someone else’s idea… But ttt cards to play schemes of war would be awesome. With grotty on the back side 😂
100% agreed that the older version of Maelstrom with the deck building was superior. I want this so much more than the bloomin’ tournament mission pack that we have now. It’s okay but Maelstrom was much better fun.
I’m not fussed about having to buy/have your army’s deck of Maelstrom cards to play a Maelstrom game, honestly. And beyond that, while Maelstrom isn’t balanced, the cards/objectives could be more balanced than what they were. There are some objectives that you outlined that are just auto-win, and that sort of thing needs to be reined in, imo. I cannot express how much I hate that random VP’s, too so pruning that would get my vote. I think 9th edition rules make for better games than 8th, and if there was just Schemes of War updated and tweaked to fit… Read more »
I couldn’t agree more with you guys on this. I used to absolutely love maelstrom in 7th and 8th, because it was a different game every time I played. 9th edition mission design is samey to the point of literally knowing what will happen in any game after you’ve played 10 or so, so I was really looking forward to beta 9th maelstrom. Sadly, it was so dull, so one sided and the wrong type of random that we won’t be playing it again. Some of the objectives in there are utterly bizarre. Like GW have given themselves a really… Read more »
I agree the SoW opens up some army elements that might be overlooked in things like standard play or GT missions. I think it would be interesting to see how things work with armies that have actual command phases that would have cards that require things to happen in a command phase or an action specific card like raise the banners or data intercept included as well to help further diversify things, as otherwise some decks are just take and holds, defends, or destroy as normal just slightly randomized instead of continuous throughout the mission.
I 100% agree with Beard, the Maelstrom games (especially deck-building) are far more strategic and dynamic and challenging than the GTC style. GTC is a tactics-based game that once people understand the game/armies/secondary objectives, it almost becomes a game on rails. You play it out, step by step. The GTC games are good for a tournament setting, where you have strangers playing in a highly competitive environment and it minimizes conflict. The Maelstrom style is far more exciting and fun for playing with friends. Edit: the random factor of dice for objectives is too much, IMO. I’m not a deck-building… Read more »
Great to hear your views chaps – I’m a huge fan of Schemes of War. Haven’t tried the new maelstrom yet as apparently there’s some sort of bug doing the rounds. You guys have some really great ideas for mixing up your games, I wish you did it more in your batreps! I haven’t watched the Schemes of War yet, but will jump onto it this week. Have you thought about using the Open War deck? If you haven’t I would really recommend it, leads to some really interesting, thematic games, even if they’re not always 100% balanced. Just don’t… Read more »
Interesting points, but more importantly can we all agree @Beard is rocking that man bun.
So metal
Im a Dark angels player and started playing in early 8th, and despite their standing now i think we can all agree marines were low to mid teir and dark angels were one of the weakest chapters. What i loved about maelstrom was that it gave me oppurtunities to win games that i shouldnt in a straight up battle by playing intelligently. Now i am playing i high teir army, i have noticed that battles have become more about the strength of the codex and rules than the actual skill in playing them. Oddly maelstrom could add an element of… Read more »
So glad you guys made this video. Schemes was the best. I have had the opportunity to play more 9th Ed than most people and I am bored to death with the GT missions. Who would have thought playing the same primary every single game would get old? Our experience with 9th has really reminded us how much fun Schemes of War was. That’s all we played in 2019 (besides tournaments). We have played a few games of the new beta maelstrom and while it was more fun than the GT missions, when compared to Schemes it was very underwhelming.… Read more »
Haveent gotten to the end yet and i dont have my Tactical Objective cards anywhere near me at work. But would a blend of the Primary (Hold 1 ,Hold 2 etc) and ur secondaries would be the cards. But the cards would be set into various catergories like Destroy (Kill a unit in various ways), Hold (Secure/Hold Objective X), Actions (I know Admech had some various ones like having ur Canticles be rolled for randomly and i think there was a Repair a unit card too but i dont recall) Now thats 3 catergories U could gain VP from, and… Read more »
I just recently got back into Warhammer so I haven’t played a game since Necrons first came out (not sure what edition that was, but it was the army I started collecting) with that said, I enjoy these videos as it gives me a good understanding of how the game has changed and evolved. Keep up the good work guys!
The schemes of war bat reps during 8th where some of the most fun to watch. Exactly as you’ve said having different semi controlled objectives just creates replayability.
Have you guys considering making tt “compatible with 40k” maelstrom of war esk cards?
One thing from the new one that i really like is that there seem to be three friendly and three enemy objectives. In schemes since you picked objectives before the table was set up you could not select your cards accordingly.
I would like to see the objectives being split up into my deployment (1point) no man’s land (2 points) my opponents (3 points). Same with defend, it might be easy for me to defend my home objective but it’s a different story for my opponent’s home objective.
I find that Schemes of War make games feel like an actual battle scenario. As during the fight, you get orders from the top, saying you need to take the hill (objective 4 card), take out that leader (assassinate), etc. And like in the battle report that Chef and Beard just played, the game feels more exciting from start to end.
I love these in-depth analysis of the game, more are absolutely welcome!
On the topic of maelstrom, I don’t have much of an opinion: in 8th I played mostly that way, and even with schemes of war I didn’t enjoy the randomness especially on the d3 points. I’m loving 9th even with its flaws, I find it a way better edition, so atm I’m satisfied by the GT pack…. but I’ll still look forward to a (hopefully more refined) new introduction of maelstrom cause when it will drop there’s a chance I will cherish the change of pace.
I’m with you folks on the Schemes of War. Definitely think from a viewer perspective they used to add more dimensions to the games you played in 8th.
@Chef whatever happened to the FW Compendium review of the Guard units? I seem to recall you promised this dropping in the week leading up to Christmas ‘20, perhaps it was lost to a magic missile in the warp? 🙂
Thank you gents
I enjoyed malestrom, but one of the things I like about Warhammer 40k and indeed Sigmar is that it is not a card deck game. I agree there needs to be some kind of way to mix up GT and core missions to make them more dynamic and exciting but just the idea of deck building puts me off.
I prefer the schemes of war over the new maelstrom, but it’s not fair because it’s still in beta. I will ask though, is it possible we could see more of these old school battle reports?
Before lockdown me and a few buddies were designing a full deck build/miniatures game. The deck had both objectives and strategies in it. If you wanted to play a strat you needed the card in hand. You could have 3 copies of any strat in your deck. We were also designing our own cards like “misinformation: Your opponents objective card is worth d3 less victory points to a minimum of 1”.
Massive fan of these discussion videos! Keep em coming! Also reallllly looking forward to the oft-teased League Reports!
Really enjoying these sit down and chat videos. Always enjoy all your bat reps. And this app is an absolute winner. Hats off to everyone at TTT. Best 40k content out there
Looking forward to watching this when I get a chance. Have you guys ever considered using the Open War cards? I picked up a pack recently and have just started using them. Really enjoying them as a break from standard tournament style matched play
Got some painting planned for today, so this will be a welcomed accompaniment! Cheers TT lads! 👍🏼
Perfect for a boring morning at work cheers lads.