**NEW CODEX** Astra Militarum vs Tyranids | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

Reinforcements have arrived for the Imperial Guard in the form of a brand new Codex, but will Beard command them to victory over the foul Tyranid hordes headed up by Jinx?!
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The bit where Jinx says ‘I wish everyone would stop naming my things for me, it makes me really sad’ made ME really sad.
SUCH a beautiful map and scenery, it looked so cool with those two armies, very nice work guys!!
@Chef, in answer to your turret statement, I choose to believe it’s because only the Guard would disregard the monster literally tearing through their tank to turn the turret to shoot at something else… cus Commissars are scarier.
“Some spicy wings… mmm hmm…that’s good eating” proper chuckle moment. How you get any work done rather than simply laugh at Beard’s antics is impressive 😆
I believe that malicepter was named Morris a while ago
Edit: They remembered! 🙂
Everyone’s reaction at 48:00 is just the best.
I’ve watched it 10 times and haven’t stopped laughing.
Put the actual Toxic Dice set that Beard used upon EBay.
Brilliant game. Love the vox animations on the overhead for giving orders. Nice list James and well run Beard. Always a pleasure seeing the Jinx piloting her ‘nids. Only thing I’d change is more OMNOMNOM noises
Wouldn’t it be nice if Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers got a bunch of these Imp Guard rules. As they are, you know, Xeno Imp Guard.
Very strong Borat vibes from beard in this video with that hamster sat on his upper lip 😉
Well guess I’m 2 days too late to the dice party so they are all gone obviously! Haha I know the score was kind of close thanks to tempest being the bestest but it was really a very one sided matchup which was a little hilariously oppressive in places. Beard rolled insanely hot and it made guard shooting seem absolutely terrifying! Theres a lot of talk of them not being all that amazing/things being a sidegrade etc but to me they do seem maybe a little too strong. I thought GW had sorted their codex creep problem with the knights/csm/daemons… Read more »
Table “Tash” Tactics… maybe?
That table is amazing…
As for the Astra… well… imagine the scene, rolling towards you is a cloud of dust risen from the tracks of 5 L-Russ tanks, your battle line braces its self when out of the dust storm charge a platoon of 50 Rough riders… and that is probably less than 2000pts. 😉 As an ex-bretonnian player.. oh yes I am VERY tempted!!
For a Moneyraiser in honor of Movember and the new Guard Codex, if you get 5k in donations, Bard will dye his Stache and hair red like a proper Albion Raptor. 10k Beard will join him. 15k Chef joins in. I don’t know if Spider is growing one, but he can do 20k.
Loving the terrain here, where is it from?
Last codex of this broken edition?
Yeah, it’s broken.
Commisar Stache more like.
Call me crazy, but shaved-and-hatted Beard is giving me serious Kevin Kline in A Fish Called Wanda vibes.
Where did Beard go? I see a pretender!
It’s cool to see genestealers actually get into combat without being obliterated on turn 1! This is one of those rare games that paying for an infestation node to respawn them could have paid off.
I think the team should do a video singing “If You’ve Only Got a Moustache” from A Million Ways to Die in the West!
In the interest of keeping things fresh could we see someone else take or share command of the tyranids please? I’d be interested in seeing someone else’s input and alternative list ideas for a change, no offence Katie.
Good to see the guard getting a well deserved tune up and looking forward to seeing how the meta reacts to them. Hopefully see them next season of the league?
Told to buy new dice.
Magma dice still out of stock.
Why is life so cruel?
29 mins – Katie, maleceptor can’t bounce psychic scream through synapse link. Might have been in normal range (couldn’t really tell) but your explanation sounded like you did it through synapse link. You’ve done it before in previous games so just an FYI for the future
The power level aside, the Guard codex actually sounds like it’s quite a lot of fun. Never played Guard myself so no idea how it holds up to other editions, but what I’m seeing so far is quite a flexible army. Not too big of a fan of all the free loadout stuff on regular guard squads though, that feels silly and I hope GW quickly lets that go in new codices/editions. Nice game, now the Tyranids know how it feels, hehe.
It’s Freddie mercury beard! Great game guys. Guard are looking pretty mean!
Love those tyranids painted by Flletcher, very gorgeous models, is he going to repaint the whole collection over time?!
Did I miss it? I don’t see the hats for sale on the shop.
Chef without a mic actually sounds like a legit servo skull. 🤣
Gargoyles should have charged and wrapped the chimera on turn one. Forcing a cp spend to save the squad. The nids are absolutely gorgeous and love the gargoyle heavy list.
Wait a minute…. why is Katie mustacheless? I feel betrayed.
mustache Joe (?)
Next James Workshop video when?
Ah yes, Jinx needs to build a Commisargoyle. It is the only way.
This is making my question my loyalties! Old Imp Guard player who is just recently building up a Nid force! Ahhhh
Which Codex do you feel was stronger on the initial release – Guard or Votann? There was a lot op with the votann, but it also feels there is a lot in the Guard.
I wonder if the trend will continue with the world eaters Codex….
Either way, loved the video. Helping me work through 24 months of paperwork
I’m loving all the fabulous moustaches all these guardsmen have, very Movember appropriate
The Votann broke before the guard ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Looking forward to this have good game guys
Lets Go!!!
Astra for me was either hit or miss – either too strong or just to weak. Lets see how this Codex will be ^^
Um, dammit, uh go both of you?