Dark Angels vs Iron Warriors | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

It’s I vs IV in this clash of Power Armour, but will it be a Bard or Beard victory?
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Iron within !
@Beard as a headsup they did sneak into the Imperial Armour Compendium FAQ on 21/9
“Page 120-141 – All Transport datasheets, Transport section Add: ‘Each Possessed model takes up the space of 2 models.’”
Its easy to miss due to not putting it under the transports themselves and instead listing it earlier in the FAQ and making a blanket statement.
The most important question……
What type of watch is that Beard? It looks very fancy
Great game love it very funny beard inner circle on 4s lol 😂 plus yes James use the white dice the purple ones are curse lol 😂
That was a great game. Tempest is so much fun as it kept the game interesting right up to the end like it usually does. Beard, also with IW they have that -1 damage for Infantry/deamonkin which really helps the possessed and if you used it instead of interrupt I think you would have had more left as you only killed like 2 with the interrupt. I love your guys content, it is the best on the web.
That first turn Beard, you seem to have forgotten Iron Warriors ignore cover…
Beard, I am right there with you and those 4s. You’re not alone!
Imperial Fists vs Iron girls, please!!
Great fun game, awesome to see the Spartan full of Possessed (they do take up two btw but with a 25 capacity hardly matters)! Do wonder if laser destroyers may be better than the quad. Less shots but far more reliable.
Great game. +10 points for bringing a spartan. +50 points for the Rocky Horror reference 🙂 I picked up a Spartan for my Space Wolves recently, such a great model. Could really do with some actual ‘new’ landraider rules to bring it up to speed rules wise (as with most of Imperial Armour) but lovely to see you guys running one, (and it looks great in hazard stripes!)
That was hilarious! Fours! Great game to watch.
Awesome game – seemed like you had a lot of fun and I certainly enjoyed your repartee while endlessly coding.
Fours…… hehe
Do all of these heresy-era models mean you guys might play some Horus Heresy games sometime?
Todays battle report is brought to you by the number 4.
40k is not 40k without gun and vehicle sound effects… I wonder if we would ever get a secondary points for that? 😉
The sheer joy you both demonstrate during this game really highlights the hobby at its best. In any game, both players should aim to have fun whatever the outcome, which is easier said than done.
Commented on the YouTube side of it before finishing the bat rep, but is was sad to watch (as a DA player myself) seeing the stormshield rules being missed. Bard could have been much more effective and survivable. But I love the energy and attitude they both bring regardless of missed rules, it’s so fun to watch and feel a part of!
this was a super fun game to watch. Props to both players. The edit ar the end was the highlight tho xD
Always love the energy and enthusiasm, you kill me picking up 3’s as wounds against Deathwing and forgetting the 1 armour save shields give. This must have happened 3-4 times throughout the course of the game. 😅
As my usual opponent mostly plays pure deathwatch I can wholeheartedly sympathise with you there beard, was getting ptsd every time you heard “4’s” 🙀🙀
I’m a competitive player (not “that guy” instead a loving 21yo lad who makes pew pew during tournament matches) and watching these videos makes me a bit disappointed because I’m not able to play like Beard and Bard anymore. Although they keep forgetting a billion rules everytime, they have fun, scream and always make a mess which I truly love seeing anytime I can. The best in this direction was Mr. Bone, how many laughs… Never stop enjoying yourselves like this guys, you are fantastic!
Storm shield rules lads! +1 to saves. Amazing game though, I wish Spartans were better now everyone has one 😁
I didnt expect a rocky horror picture show reference today, but here we are. and very much appreciated!
I’m really interested to see the Spartan and Quad Rapiers on the battlefield so thank you for bringing them Beard!
Heretic vs Heretic!!! I hope the Heretics win!!!
Keep those Dice James.
I jumped a bit when you said “come on Jeff” at 46:04 because my name is Jeff and I was not very pumped at the moment lol I was eating breakfast.
Beard reverting to Proto-Beard is certainly not what I expected this morning, but it’s a good look!
FOURS! 🤣🤣🤣
Poor Beard, but also absolutely hilarious
Merry Christmas/Happy Sanguinala to everyone at TT
Oh crap I got my Saturdays mixed up and thought it was sigmar 😭
A little mistake at 00:08:20s ? Cuz I did not understand it was Genstealers VS UltraMarine ^^
Don’t storm shields give you +1 to your save?
That was a fun game! The Spartan had me thinking about one of the gripes I still have with how GW does things. All things considered I think they made huge steps forward in the last few months, both in balancing the game and finally speaking to the community, but when they change things that go across multiple codices they almost never take steps to make things equal and reasonable. To mention a few: Demon Princes for DG, TS and chaos marines have slightly different points and rules, vehicles have different stats and weapons between Loyalists and Chaos, and the… Read more »
James u make me laugh so much man hahaha *pew pew pew*
Some say, if you listen closely on a quiet night, you can hear
Bard whispering “wounds on fours” softly on the wind.
You know its gonna be a really good game when its almost 2 hours long!
There we go. Go Bard.