Thousand Sons vs Craftworld Aeldari | Season 2 EP 1 | Warhammer 40,000 League Report

Avatar Jinx March 4, 2023154  109 154 Likes

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Welcome back to the Tabletop Tactics League Season 2! In this exciting Season opener we have the cunning and shenanigans of Chef taking his beloved Thousand Sons, facing off against an equally tricksy foe in Jinx and her haunting Aeldari list.

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(Spoiler Warning! The Rankings are updated the day after every release, so don’t read it until you’ve watched the game!)

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The Army Lists are:

Thousand Sons
List Analysis HERE

Cults of the Legion: Cult of Duplicity
Arks of Omen Compulsory Choice: Elites
Starting CP: 2
+ HQ +
Thousand Sons Daemon Prince: Warlord, Relic- Egleighen’s Orrery, Warpforged Sword, Wings
Powers- Glamour of Tzeentch, Swelled by the Warp
Ahriman: Disc of Tzeentch
Powers- Twist of Fate, Presage, Weaver of Fates,
Infernal Master: High Acolyte- Master Misinformator, Sorcerous Arcana- Umbralefic Crystal
Pacts- Glimpse of Eternity, Malefic Maelstrom,
Power- Desecration of Worlds
Sorcerer: Legion Command- Loyal Thrall, High Acolyte- Seeker After Shadows, Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol
Powers- Baleful Devolution, Perplex
+ Troops +
5x Rubric Marines
Aspiring Sorcerer: Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Power- Doombolt
Rubric Marine: Soulreaper Cannon, Icon of Flame
3x Rubric Marines: Inferno Boltgun
5x Rubric Marines
Aspiring Sorcerer: Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Power- Tzeentch’s Firestorm
Rubric Marine: Soulreaper Cannon, Icon of Flame
3x Rubric Marines: Inferno Boltgun
5x Rubric Marines
Aspiring Sorcerer: Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Power- Gaze of Hate
Rubric Marine: Soulreaper Cannon, Icon of Flame
3x Rubric Marines: Inferno Boltgun
5x Rubric Marines
Aspiring Sorcerer: Force Stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Power- Cacodaemonic Curse
Rubric Marine: Soulreaper Cannon, Icon of Flame
3x Rubric Marines: Inferno Boltgun
10x Rubric Marines:
Aspiring Sorcerer: Legion Command- Ardent Automata, Force Stave, Warpflame Pistol, Power- Pyric Flux
Rubric Marine: Warpflamer, Icon of Flame
8x Rubric Marines: Warpflamer
+ Elites +
Helbrute: Helbrute Fist, Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
Helbrute: Helbrute Fist, Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
Helbrute: Helbrute Fist, Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
10x Scarab Occult Terminators:
Scarab Occult Sorcerer: Legion Command- Protégé, Force Stave, Inferno Combi-bolter, Powers- Dark Blessing, Temporal Surge
2x Terminators: Prosperine Khopesh, Inferno Combi-bolter, Hellfyre Missile Rack
2x Terminators: Prosperine Khopesh, Soulreaper Cannon
5x Terminator: Prosperine Khopesh, Inferno Combi-bolter
Total: 1,997 pts


List Analysis HERE

Craftworld: Ulthwé
Arks of Omen Compulsory Choice: Elites
Starting CP: 3

+ HQ +
Farseer Skyrunner: Warlord, Relic – The Weeping Stones, Warlord Trait – Fate Reader, Witchblade
Powers: Guide, Doom

Farseer Skyrunner: Warlord Trait – Seer of the Shifting Vector, Witchblade
Powers: Fortune, Will of the Asuryan

+ Troops +
10x Guardian Defender: Plasma Grenades, Shuriken Catapults

+ Elites +
5x Wraithblades: Ghostaxe and Forceshield

5x Wraithblades: Ghostaxe and Forceshield

5x Wraithguard: Wraithcannon

5x Wraithguard: Wraithcannon

+ Fast Attack +
5x Shining Spears
Shining Spear Exarch: Expert Lancers, Paragon Sabre, Shimmershield, Shuriken Cannon
Shining Spears: Laser Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult

+ Dedicated Transport +
Wave Serpent: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Shuriken Cannon, Twin Bright Lance

Wave Serpent: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Shuriken Cannon, Twin Bright Lance

Wave Serpent: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Shuriken Cannon, Twin Bright Lance

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USS Sylvester
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Congratulations Chef 🙂 looking forward to seeing how you both doing in the league definitely going to be a tough one ☝️

1 year ago

So happy to Thousand Sons back in the League! You da man, Chef. Fickle indeed.

Jose Reyes
Jose Reyes
1 year ago

Great game you two!!! Love seeing the Sons in the tourney!

Dean Brereton
Dean Brereton
1 year ago

Love the outtakes, Spider clearly having one of those days!

Noirceuil leSombre
Lodge Member
1 year ago

Great match! Unfortunate that Jinx was restricted by model availability when building her list. Looking forward to seeing what changes in the list! Congratulations to Chef. 🤙🏼😎

1 year ago

Brilliant game, and really appreciate Jinx’s breakdown at the end of learns about how to play the army differently next time, rather than just talking the last. Really helps a noob like me to think about positioning and decisions rather than just lists!

Ashley Willson
Ashley Willson
1 year ago

This game has given me a new level of respect for the chef. Reminding Jinx of rules etc when it’s clearly been a long day for her, even though it’s a competitive game. This was not only a great game but a master class in how a competitive game of 40K can be played without the need to be a competitive douche. Nicely done chef.

Lodge Member
1 year ago

This daemon prince miniature is stunning, was it built from the new kit ?

Lifetime Member
1 year ago

Awesome game, loved that it went almost all the way to decide the outcome. Biggest mistake by Jinx was probably allowing those terminators to delete a unit of Wraithguard. Fun game, love the league. Great we’re getting a league game again every week!

Stefan Voß
Stefan Voß
2 years ago

So, before watching the match, regarding the TS secondaries, I think I would have picked Banners over Prowess. Jinx fields some fairly chunky frontline units, which will take multiple casts to chew threw, and your “targetable” powers are spread across your rubrics, which makes it difficult to snipe the enemy psykers. With banners, you get safe 5 points from your home marker plus around 3-8 more from the other markers on your side, depending how the battle goes. And losing one turn of psychic/shooting with a 5-man rubric squad isn’t the end of the world. All in all, just a… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Stefan Voß
Stephen Neal
Stephen Neal
2 years ago

I haven’t seen the match yet, but I’m squarely team Jinx. Now time to see how it goes.

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Great to see a new league game! In my opinion, these games offer much more depth und are more thrilling to watch.
Well played, Jinx & Chef! Again, it was a close one. Really looking forward to the next league games…

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Jinx, I am really happy you are running Craftworlds, I just didn’t have time to comment. Maybe this is the time to put up my suggestions. Sorry for a wall of text, hope it helps tho Just wanted to add my two cents as a long-time CWE player. There have been a few great tournament-winning lists since AoO came out, but they all boil down to using a mishmash of great units, not mono-spam builds. Even in my personal experience, CWE should be treated as a very expensive toolbox army, and going for all wraith leaves you short on the… Read more »

Daniel Sandsjö
Lifetime Member
Daniel Sandsjö
2 years ago

I love the league! Great game! 🙂

Kyle Roach-Smith
2 years ago

Wave serpents dont have -1 damage. Chef seemed to think they did a couple of times in this video. Interesting game! I think the craftworlds list is gonna get some tweaks but overall Jinx did a good job playing with a much weaker army. Looking forward to seeing more

Edward Lenning
Edward Lenning
2 years ago

1:13:36, #NoCPreroll

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Go Team Votann! No wait…. Go whoever Wins 😁

Iain Hesketh
Iain Hesketh
2 years ago

Hey I might be missing something but I think a couple of rules were played based on 8th edition aeldari. The wraithblades with ghostaxe were spoken as hitting on 4s but the ghostaxe isn’t -1 to hit anymore so they hit on 3s now. Also you quoted the wave serpents as reducing damage by 1 but that’s been replaced by the transhuman ability (although it didn’t seem to matter with the demon Prince ability). As a fellow pointy ear I’m rooting for you jinx!

E Double
Lodge Warrior Member
E Double
2 years ago

Long time Iyanden player here, watching this is literally giving me flash backs to every tournament with Wraith units. So many points for such little output.

The only “stronger” Wraithguard unit was wielded by James Kelling at a major, which was 7 D-scythes and for that GW thought it would be a good idea to bump up their points for their transgressions…

The Wraith
Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Hijinx! Good game! I thought you did really well into a really tough matchup; Thousand Sins are always tricky for us Eldar folk. I was curious what Chef’s odds were of killing those Wraiths, so I went and used UnitCrunch to find the odds. Turns out, Chef only had an 8% chance of killing the whole squad, but he had a 36% chance of killing at least 4, and a ridiculous 77% chance to kill at least 3. I didn’t know those Termies were so scary, but I suppose that many good AP, 1dmg shots are pretty much perfect anti-wraith… Read more »

Terra Luna-Mae
2 years ago

“Angry little rage buckets” is my fave phrase now, thank you Jinx

Elias Spiller
2 years ago

Tricksy dice gods!

2 years ago

To answer to Mr. Chef’s question (wtc circuit TS player): sorcerous prowess is such an amazing secondary, but it requires you to build the list on it. I played a tournament this January as first defender and put Magnus and a sorcerer on disc with 3 casts per turn and I almost maxed it all the games. Due to sad gw’s layout, the primarch suffer from the opponent’s shooting phase, and you can counter it just with strategic reserve, which is a bit meh.
Hope to have answered in a satisfying way, for any doubt just ask!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

I really enjoyed the first game of the League, everyone has their opinions on the Wraiths of course, but I feel that substituting one unit of WGuard out and maybe one unit of Axes if desired for some AwoOoOOoooing!-Banshees and Dire Avengers will gain their points back easily enough, I also do recommend that beautifully painted unit of SRunners to have a cheap zippy unit to strengthen the lists lack cheap fast movers for Engage. I would also consider a Warlock Jetbike to help with Actions and movement or to buff your Spooky Elves, equipped with Quicken/ Res or Jinx/Protect.… Read more »

Adrián Perez Martínez
Lodge Member
Adrián Perez Martínez
2 years ago

That was awesome! I agree with some that the eldar list was not that strong, but i am sured Jinx will fix this.

Chef your play was a masterclass actually, only some terrible psychic phases did not allowed you to win even clearer. I find you a bit the kind of humble player, that hates playing hardcore competitive but that can excel at it!

Can’t wait for the Beard vs Stig!! And then my guess is Bard vs Spider!

Chris Rayner
Chris Rayner
2 years ago

Lol skiing tan lines are the best.

Thijs Schrijnemakers
2 years ago

Really enjoyed this game. Even though I do love the space elves, definately cheering for the majestic 15th Legion!
Wasn’t that impressed with all the wraith constructs in this game, you’d think they would be more proficient to kill regular Rubics in melee combat?
happy League S2 has kicked off, both player remarking on lessons learned which is the point of this format, and Tzeenth has shown me great things are yet ahead

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

I’m pausing at around the 52 minute mark to just take a moment.
@Jinx – Thanks for the Helbrute kicking off joke, I enjoyed it.

Dale Johnson
Dale Johnson
2 years ago

Chef puts on a Masterclass; dice be damned! 👏👏👏

2 years ago

Great opening game for the league! Some brilliant moments, and as much as I’m Team Jinx all the way, Chef just seems to have a knack for getting so much out of whatever he’s playing. Looking forward to the next match!

Jeremy Spink
Lodge Member
Jeremy Spink
2 years ago

All is dust… except for the floor, the floor is dice

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Wow! You had me worried Chef! You are playing my dusty boys and I legit started to cringe at some of those rolls in your psychic phase. Great game though. Good luck 🍀

2 years ago

Season 2 let’s go!!!

Lodge Member
2 years ago

wow amazing game, well done both of you!

John Barber
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Dear Chef: 2 lots of 9 is not 27….
Unless… Just as Planned?
Omg, I can’t believe I fell into Chef’s trap. Drat, out-smurted again!

2 years ago

I was rooting for the Inverse Racoon so hard.. she really did put in the effort. I wonder if there was an option there for Aeldari to sit on their objectives, screen out the most obvious teleportation targets and win on points?

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Great roll-off for a new season! Enjoy the format a lot!

I have a question….
Do you have the feeling of a competetive edge, i mean you play a lot and its friendly, funny gently all the time…but do you get this hunger to win in a competetive match up or does it not matter to you?

Lodge Member
2 years ago

GG chef 👏 🎉

2 years ago

Great video! I am very much looking forward to this league. These kind of competetive games are exactly what I am looking for at the moment. Do we know, how often to expect a league game? Is this a once a week kind of thing or only once a month? Anyway. Very excited to see the list adaptions. Keep it up!

Commissar Pen
Commissar Pen
2 years ago

@Katie you will never be a rage bucket, you’re eternally a fountain of joy, a votann sized fountain maybe, but still a fountain 🤪

Jonathan Haynes
Lodge Member
Jonathan Haynes
2 years ago

I was a little surprised not to see a howling banshee exarch with mirror swords given how much Jinx likes her blenderbus.

Luke Morgan
Luke Morgan
2 years ago

I mean no offense here, but the craftworld list seems the weakest, competitively. I’ve not seen the game yet. I’m looking forward to it 👍

2 years ago

Does anyone know if the Daemon Prince is kit bashed and how? Love the model but can’t find it anywhere!

Dylan Keller
Lodge Member
2 years ago

YES you brought the belt, it makes a great back up plan if those challengers get too upitty on the table you can just hit with the belt to bring back down a level. Then you can quote the rock in a way.
“Can you smell what the CHEF is cooking”

Dylan Keller
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Dirty witches on both sides

2 years ago

So happy the League is back!
And that you kept doing the “pause-talking” bit in it is perfect. My favorite part since its tactics and thoughts! 😀
Cant wait to see Stig and Beard, how soon until it comes out? Got a “bloody tooth” now

Christopher Bonnett
Christopher Bonnett
2 years ago

thinking the opsec for the sons would be the better option.

2 years ago

Epic game! GGs to both of you. 🙌🏻

Kurtis Carlson
Kurtis Carlson
2 years ago

Haven’t watched it all yet but engage is usually a trap secondary and behind enemy lines is pretty much always better.

Edit: After watching it if the craftworlds can switch to 2 ranger squads it does open up scout the enemy as a reliable option and probably would’ve been great this game.

Also sadly wraiths are just too expensive points wise for what they bring to a list. Leaning into most of our aspect warriors though is a great way to bring power into a game.

2 years ago

My prediction is it’s going to be a top 3 of Beard, Bard, and Spider (not necessarily in that order).
I think Spider will start strong because that army list has a very “I have no idea what to do against this” factor but that’ll tail off.
Beard/Bard final in a battle of the jank.