Death Guard vs Astra Militarum 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Tactical Report

Avatar Spider October 24, 202028  90 28 Likes

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Beard and Bone get tactical, but will it be the hammer blows of the Imperium or the rotted resilience of Nurgle that takes the day?!

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The Army Lists are: 

Death Guard

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Plague Company: Mortarion’s Anvil

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince of Nurgle: Warlord- Arch-Contaminator, 2x Malefic Talons, Wings, Power- Blades of Putrefaction

Daemon Prince of Nurgle: 2x Malefic Talons, Wings, Power- Blades of Putrefaction

Malignant Plaguecaster: Powers- Miasma of Pestilence, Putrescent Vitality

+ Troops +

9x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Plague Knife, Plasma Gun
5x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine w/ melee weapons: Flail of Corruption
2x Plague Marine: Blight Launcher

9x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Plague Knife, Plasma Gun
5x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine w/ melee weapons: Flail of Corruption
2x Plague Marine: Blight Launcher

9x Plague Marines
Plague Champion: Plague Knife, Plasma Gun
5x Plague Marine: Plague Knife, Boltgun
Plague Marine w/ melee weapons: Flail of Corruption
2x Plague Marine: Blight Launcher

+ Elites +

Biologus Putrifier

Biologus Putrifier

10x Blightlord Terminators
Blightlord Champion: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
5x Blightlord Terminator: Bubotic Axe, Combi-bolter
2x Blightlord Terminator: Blight launcher, Bubotic Axe
2x Blightlord Terminator: Flail of Corruption

Tallyman: Relic- Tollkeeper, Plasma Pistol

+ Dedicated Transport +

Chaos Rhino: Contaminated Monstrosity, Combi-bolter

Chaos Rhino: Contaminated Monstrosity, Combi-bolter

Chaos Rhino: Contaminated Monstrosity, Combi-bolter

++ Total: 1,993pts ++

Astra Militarum

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Regimental Doctrine: Catachan

+ HQ +

Tank Commander: Warlord- Grand Strategist, Relic- Kuriov’s Aquila, Executioner Plasma Cannon, 3x Heavy Bolter, Track Guards

Primaris Psyker: Power- Nightshroud

Primaris Psyker: Power- Psychic Barrier

+ Troops +

10x Infantry Squad
Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
9x Guardsman: 9x Lasgun

10x Infantry Squad
Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
9x Guardsman: 9x Lasgun

10x Infantry Squad
Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
9x Guardsman: 9x Lasgun

10x Infantry Squad
Sergeant: Chainsword, Laspistol
9x Guardsman: 9x Lasgun

+ Elites +

8x Bullgryns
Bullgryn Bone ‘ead: Bullgryn Maul, Slabshield
7x Bullgryn: Bullgryn Maul, Slabshield

+ Heavy Support +

Basilisk: Heavy Bolter

Basilisk: Heavy Bolter

++ Spearhead Detachment ++

+ Configuration +

Detachment CP

Regimental Doctrine: Catachan

+ HQ +

Tank Commander: Demolisher Cannon, 3x Heavy Bolter, Track Guards

Tank Commander: Demolisher Cannon, 3x Heavy Bolter, Track Guards

+ Heavy Support +

Manticore: Tank Ace- Full Payload, Heavy Bolter

Manticore: Heavy Bolter

Manticore: Heavy Bolter

++ Total: 1,999pts ++

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4 years ago

Awesome tactica guys great job 😀

Ezra Bristow-Smith
Ezra Bristow-Smith
4 years ago

Beard! You rolled like a beast and then… less like one… “Relentless” stratagem would have helped bump your damaged TC up to full BS and you had so many CP “Hail of Fire” would have been good for a couple of turns, maybe even with “Vengeance” and the order “Strike & Shroud” for extra cheeky: 12 demolisher shots rerolling and then a -1 to hit after. Just saying.
Great game all round, I was actually on the edge of my seat

4 years ago

B’dalion is a 7 letter word Bone!
The blessed number! 😆

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Great game! Bone’s Tallyman was apparently played by Bruce Willis. Guy looked indestructible. LOL.

Samuel Harding
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Not sure Beard should have been able to target those characters at times. The unit “protecting” your character (because it is within 3″) doesn’t need to be closer to the enemy if there is another unit somewhere else that is closer. But maybe I was missing something because it is hard to tell at times without the top down angle.

Steve Lynham
Steve Lynham
4 years ago

This was a great enjoyable game, loved the momentum changes with rolling to add extra drama.
Do you know when you guys might get some toxic dice back in stock? I’d love some, but would claim they were tesseract dice to play with my Necrons 😉

Dennis Aaltink
Lodge Member
Dennis Aaltink
4 years ago

When Bone hits the Bulgryn (01:19:00) the 3 6’s rolled for Death To The False Emperor:
DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROREach time you roll a hit roll of 6+ for a model with this ability in the Fight phase, it can, if it was targeting an IMPERIUM unit, immediately make an extra attack against the same unit using the same weapon. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.

Last edited 4 years ago by Dennis Aaltink
Lifetime Member
4 years ago

That was a great game. Loved all the artillery and fire power that Beard brought down on the filth! Interesting game and I feel Death Guard only won because of the quirk on the primary. That was some serious carnage to behold, loved it!

Beard, I think you played well this game, was very nice to see some good movement for the Catachans. I don’t know AM so well, so perhaps you missed things here and there, but to me it was enjoyable to watch as you seem to have quite a good handle on the Astra Militarum!

4 years ago

Great Game to watch though, always good to learn from a Tactica and really enjoyable to watch.

4 years ago

Do you think Beard that just going Full Payload Manticores would have been more powerful? Just seems that constant out of line of sight shooting might have done more, also if you had Hunter Killer missiles on them wouldn’t that have also automatically done 6 damage?

4 years ago

Really cool tactica! High fives to both of you from Canada (You know, that weird country with snow and… Yeah thats about it, really…) 😛

Lodge Member
4 years ago

In this batrep Beard made a huuugeeeee amount of tactical errors with the guard. It is not a common situation in a Tactica Report but I enjoy the video as always.

bart wasteels
bart wasteels
4 years ago

You were playing the extra hits and DttFE correctly Bone. DttFE emperor can’t generate extra attacks, but (as it is worded now) you gain extra hits from Tollkeeper. and hits are not attacks.

A small note on the dense cover. If the shooting model is within 3″ from the Dense terrain, you don’t get penalties from shooting through it. (Like when a tank commander is right behind the forest, he’ll get no penalty shooting through it).

Andy Morton
Andy Morton
4 years ago

I’m sure alot of people have said this Bone but using the flails and getting a DttFE means if you roll a six you get another D3 attacks! They’re incredible my fave weapon in Deathguard, you can imagine them tearing through infantry whilst laughing maniacally! Amazing batrep regardless, Beard is rolling like a KING

Mike Oade
Mike Oade
4 years ago

Don’t want to alarm you.

Mike Oade
Mike Oade
4 years ago

I didn’t think much of the flying pigs I witnessed on the way home, and hell seemed a bit chilly…then Bone won a game of 40k. COULD BE A PROBLEM!! OOOOOAAAAHHHHOOOOO!

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Be careful with the guard strats. Direct onslaught can only be used if the target is visible. It didnt look like the second manticore in turn one had LOS. Same situation again when the strat was used in turn 2. This is pretty important. Giving arguably the deadliest unit in the game (with full payload) a +1 to hit for 1CP might be seen by some as OP.

Last edited 4 years ago by Bellchump
David Field
David Field
4 years ago

What size board are the tt games played on?

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Bone taking Death Guard to New levels and coughing in his hand instead of his elbow at the List Analysis 😂 Spread the love of Papa 😁

Samuel Rowland
Samuel Rowland
4 years ago

I would love to see you take a deathguard list to a competition Bone! I feel like you’re always more excited for the Death Guard betreps than the others.
Really well played though guys. Complete nailbiter!

Warsmith Magoo
Warsmith Magoo
4 years ago

Beard had some missed opportunities to use hail of fire and relentless stratagems on his leman russ tanks. If he used relentless and vengeance for cadia on his tank commander demolisher on the terminator squad they would of been gone. Also, manticores wound death guard terminators on 2’s.

Val Heffelfinger
Lodge Member
4 years ago

I would also like to start a movement: Tacticas should be netlists or at least netlist adjacent. : ) Would he fun! Hit up pick a list and run something as close to it as possible. It wouldn’t be perfect, but it’d be nice to for us tryhards to see some representation on the channel.

Val Heffelfinger
Lodge Member
4 years ago

I was surprised Beard didn’t hear me shouting to nuke the Plague caster that bone left alone on that back objective. He was asking for a salvo of manticore… /Beardo looks at camera: welcome to 9th edition.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

I really like how 9th is making everything more tactically. Even though it looked like bone was loosing his army – he was still winning on points. Pretty cool 🙂

Sam Shand
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Why are you guys always running catachan? If your not using their characters for re-roll 1s or s4 infantry spam.
Please change to custom regiment, you can get the re-roll shots with Gunnery Experts, but would also be able to combine with spotter details for extra 6″ on your heavy weapons . The extra 6″ on the Demolisher TC is huge.

Nicholas Lucas
Lodge Member
Nicholas Lucas
4 years ago

I am very surprised at how well the Pague Marines held up to the Bullgryns. I had the Bullgryns pegged as the biggest threat, little did I know IG backline is extremely dangerous too, tough call either way. Good game, was a fun watch.

Martin K
Lodge Member
4 years ago

Will you guys ever start a Crusade campaign?

Curtis Clissitt
Curtis Clissitt
4 years ago

The last orks battle reps were in August and May? Whats happening chappies?

Paul Shobrook
Lodge Member
Paul Shobrook
4 years ago

Great Tactica guys simply simply lovely!!!!

Great Game.

4 years ago

Yes, you were doing it wrong, the flail gets d3 extra attacks per death to the false emperor.^^

James clark
James clark
4 years ago

Foul blightspawn are needed, at least two, as they just delete stuff, and don’t use anywhere near as many cp as the blight bombardment.
As always though, love your work and thanks for all you do to keep us sane in these dark times.

Matt Hall
Matt Hall
4 years ago

It was like watching whack a mole shooting at the demon princes

4 years ago

Fun thing about flails vs Imperium… each Death to the False Emperor that triggers, you get D3 additional attacks, not just one extra attack. edit – Which you apparently know 🙂 I could have sworn you didn’t use the D3 extra attacks earlier.

Last edited 4 years ago by Horst
4 years ago

Not game related as only halfway through but where are trees from?

Lodge Warrior Member
4 years ago

Nice game, and unexpected comeback. I’m not really sold on this Death Guard list, but maybe it depends on me always playing them as Poxmonger. Even though it ended well, I think it has too little as ranged antitank: it’s true that DG is not rich in options in that department, but I think Blighthaulers and PBC are quite a must in an allcomers list, all the more now that multimeltas are 2 shots. I’m really looking forward to the new codex, I don’t care if the Plaguemarines will costs more, I want them with 2 wounds. Thank you for… Read more »

Peter Dunlea
Lodge Member
Peter Dunlea
4 years ago

So because i enjoy going on about all things guard here goes from the list: dropping the primaris psykers for astropaths and dropping a sponson weapon or 2 could have bought a compnay commander (or dropping those tank tracks). guard characters will die in a stiff breeze so i don’t think the extra durability isn’t worth it. I would also personally include sergeant harker when running such an artillery parking lot as catachan. It encourages a regrettably static form of play but thats unfortunately just guard Also kurov’s aquilla is per stratagem while Grand strategist is per CP. you were… Read more »

Bastian Birkholz
4 years ago

I am pretty sure that those additional hits you looked up should not work because somewhere in the rulebook it says that additional procced hits lose all bonus rules that can procc additional hits. Edit: I searched and searched and searched and could not find it then I remembered that it was in a FAQ. Page 363 – Rare Rules Add the following sub-section: SCORING ADDITIONAL HITS When a model makes an attack, some rules will let that attack score one or more additional hits on a particular hit roll (e.g. ‘each time an attack is made with this weapon,… Read more »

Last edited 4 years ago by Bastian Birkholz
4 years ago

Where are those barret heads from btw?

Lodge Member
4 years ago

Great game guys! After getting some experience with my guard in 9th I have come to the conclusion that a guard army cannot win without infantry squads. If you over invest into high output vehicles you will not be able to play the primary and will be forced into a corner and almost guaranteed a loss. I think you would have done much better dropping a manticore and a basilisk then investing those points into more infantry.

Beatle Bug
4 years ago

More catachan? I thought you created Albion raptors so they could be run as any regiment? I know that catachan are the best but I like more variety in these games.

Lodge Member
4 years ago

I might be wrong but shouldn’t a lot of that artillery been -1 to hit in turn one? You ignore line of sight but not the effects of dense cover and you had those two big buildings and trees in the middle of the board.

Oops Bone does mention this! It would be cool to talk about line of sight options a bit more in the tatica and how you position around the terrain as it’s something I find tricky when playing!

Last edited 4 years ago by Matthew

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