Flesh Tearers vs T’au Empire | Season 1 EP10 | Warhammer 40,000 League Report

Avatar The Chef October 15, 202281  82 81 Likes

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It’s furious melee against superior firepower, but will Spider and the Flesh Tearers be able to withstand the brutal fusillade of Fletcher and the T’au Empire in this latest League Report?!

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The Army Lists are

T’au Empire

++ Battalion Detachment ++

Sept Tenet: Farsight Enclaves

+ HQ +

Commander Farsight: Warlord- Exemplar of the Mont’ka

Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit: Promising Pupil- Precision of the Hunter, Relic- Onager Gauntlet, Prototype Weapon System- Resonator Warheads, 2x Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator, 2x Marker Drone

+ Troops +

10x Kroot Carnivores

10x Kroot Carnivores

10x Kroot Carnivores

+ Elites +

5x Crisis Battlesuits
Crisis Shas’vre: 2x Plasma Rifles, Missile Pod, Shield Generator, Iridium Battlesuit
4x Crisis Shas’ui: 2x Plasma Rifles, Missile Pod, Shield Generator
3x Marker Drone
5x Shield Drone

3x Crisis Battlesuits
Crisis Shas’vre: 2x Burst Cannons, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator, Iridium Battlesuit
2x Crisis Shas’ui: 2x Burst Cannons, Plasma Rifle, Shield Generator
2x Marker Drone
2x Shield Drone

+ Heavy Support +

Hammerhead Gunship: Railgun, 2x Gun Drones

Hammerhead Gunship: Railgun, 2x Gun Drones

++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment ++

+ Lord of War +

Stormsurge: Pulse Blastcannon, Twin T’au Flamer, Early Warning Override, Velocity Tracker

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

Flesh Tearers

++ Battalion Detachment  ++

+ HQ +

Captain: Chapter Command- Chapter Master, Relic- Master-crafted Weapon, Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Jump Pack

Sanguinary Priest: Hero of the Chapter- Selfless Healer, Relic of the Chapter- Teeth of Terra, Chapter Command- Chief Apothecary, Jump Pack

+ Troops +

5x Assault Intercessor Squad

5x Incursor Squad

5x Incursor Squad

+ Elites +

6x Centurion Assault Squad: 6x Flamers, 6xCenturion Assault Launchers

5x Death Company Marines: 5x Thunder Hammers, Jump Packs

Sanguinary Ancient: Honoured by the Art Angelicum- Wrath of Baal, Encarmine Sword, Angelus Boltgun

5x Sanguinary Guard
5x Sanguinary Guard: Encarmine Sword, Angelus Boltgun

5x Sanguinary Guard
5x Sanguinary Guard: Encarmine Sword, Angelus Boltgun

5x Sanguinary Guard
5x Sanguinary Guard: Encarmine Sword, Angelus Boltgun

+ Fast Attack +

5x Inceptor Squad: Plasma Exterminators

++ Total: 2,000pts ++

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Kaleb Acklin
Kaleb Acklin
1 year ago

I am late to the comment game but what model is this that you are using for the Flesh Tearer HQ? I cannot seem to find it anywhere is it a creation of your own?

2 years ago

Fletcher please try the sun sharks. Best addition I’ve ever made to my list

Pierre Martinent
Pierre Martinent
2 years ago

flesh tearer’s ? More like FLETCH Tearers !

Nathan Southwood
2 years ago

People commenting on the terrain set up but if there was hardly any terrain then people would be saying the complete opposite, deep striking crisis teams was the correct move against a fast and mobile combat army, also I think the storm surge isn’t worth the points, 2 riptides would do a lot better imo

Bill Frown
Lifetime Member
Bill Frown
2 years ago

Good game! Love the centurions, I’ve been on the fence about them but they’ve shown their worth .
Also James is a fantastic master of ceremonies!

Imperial Grunt
Lodge Member
2 years ago

Really enjoyed watching this game. Great tactics and game play. Keep up the greatness!

John Fogleman
2 years ago

It’s always a fun time when spider takes out his flesh tearers. I wish GW would “flesh” out other subchapters 😏😏😏

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Appreciate your coaching in this Lawrence! Was nice to see your train of thought as the game progressed.

Ollie Fox
Lifetime Member
Ollie Fox
2 years ago

I have been thinking with the captain, hammer of baal and imperiums sword, even making him a death company captain.

Potentially, 7 attacks, s10, ap3 damage 3. Jump Pack and storm shield still. Death visions also come into play also.

Jose Reyes
Jose Reyes
2 years ago

Cannot battle suits shoot in combat?

Samuel Aster
Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

I feel like the terrain setup in 9th edition got a little bit out of hand with all the obscuring and ruins. 2000 points of tau worthless for 2 rounds is not that balanced imo. But the problem is if it would have been placed different maybe the Tau would have just slaughtered the marines… very difficult and problematic thematic

Craig Cooper
Lifetime Member
Craig Cooper
2 years ago

Absolutely brutal for Fletcher here, steep learning curve! The terrain setup looked pretty grim for the Tau before any dice were even rolled though

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Does Fletcher know what a donkey punch is? Quite a funny thing to be bringing up a lot in this game!

Lachlan Rabbetts
2 years ago

Thanks for another entertaining league game guys. Would you please consider changing the video comments to automatically be toggled “off” so that while watching on the app there are no accidental spoilers by other members? Appreciate you guys.

sean dollard
Lifetime Member
sean dollard
2 years ago

As a blood angel player it’s always nice to see Lawrence bring out the flesh tearers to play!

James Hamill
Lifetime Member
James Hamill
2 years ago

That Triple 6 Lawrence, disgusting 😂😂

Talos Miniatures
Lodge Member
2 years ago

The Jury is not out on Aggressors they are amazing!!! Do it, Run the Aggressors, they won’t disappoint!

Last edited 2 years ago by Talos Miniatures
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Always that forlorn fury charge. I don’t think I’ve ever see Lawrence fail one. It never fails to turn the game on it’s head. Great game!

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Loving the league!

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Does the League Ranking link work for anyone? Sorry if it’s been brought up before…

David Methven
Lodge Member
David Methven
2 years ago

I could speak for hours on this match up but I’ll be as concise as possible, Blood Angels vs T’au is a steep learning curve for the T’au player, being able to stage highly mobile close combat units behind proper LOS blocking terrain is tough to beat. The easy fix is to swap out the hammer heads for Sunshark bombers, which win you the match up if used properly (They are also really good into the other league armies- just make sure they hide behind true LOS, which is possible as they are quite small for flyers). However, so Fletcher… Read more »

John Barber
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Great game, didn’t pick the winner at all when looking at the army selection. Okay Lawrence, you have successfully sold me on Plasma Inceptors now, you’ve consistently demonstrated their value imo over multiple games (both league and not). As an aside; if you ever worry about putting a unit into a doctrine and miss out on another, I think Chapter Master’s have an option (admittedly at CP cost) to put a unit into all 3 doctrines at once. I am not sure if you said this about sending your Death Company in the other direction in your first turn, but… Read more »

Shawn Chenoweth
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

I don’t see a download option on this, and have a long flight that I would love to watch this on. Is there a reason for disabling the download option or am I missing something? Figured it may just be because this is also on freeview/YouTube. Just asking 🤷🏻‍♂️

2 years ago

I absolutely love the league content, keep it up, you’re the best!

2 years ago

That was BRUTAL. Lawrences rolls were insane, and Fletchers were terrible. With spiders skill on top of that it became a rout real fast. Painful to watch (which as a Slaaneshi viewer was great =P) I guess Fletchers office big talk angered the dice gods and he was punished for his hubris! Good game guys, cheers.

Last edited 2 years ago by SLaaNeShi1
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Well, another master class by Lawrence. Congratulations on the win, but sadly for me it wasn’t the most exciting game to watch. As you said, it probably was lost during deployment and that was noticeable during the whole game. Fletcher, you mention in the list analysis how important those Kroot are to screen, but then you don’t actually use them as screens in your deployment! Also, it really felt like a trap to keep shooting those Centurions. They only started doing anything by turn 4. I think it’d be much better to focus the rest of the army and let… Read more »

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

What a fantastic match up. Excellent tactics and use of terrain, and as always I appreciate the explanations and insights. This was a hell of a fight, well done to both of you, I enjoyed it immensely.

Commissar Pen
Commissar Pen
2 years ago

Poor Fletcher, but at least it wasnt as bad as when Chef killed off his HQs with a hammerhead 🤣

2 years ago

I love Fletcher – he’s a great guy and an amazing painter but it hurts me a Tau player to see so many mistakes, tactical and rules wise. Although this game also shows why you have to take Target locks on your big crisis teams now rather than SG. AoC, cover and the montka AP nerfs have really blunted Tau shooting into power armour. Also – if this is competitive please reconsider the storm surge. Sunsharks would have enabled you to do some early damage whilst Spider was hiding turn 1. You have to ignore the centurions and kill the… Read more »

Lifetime Member
2 years ago

League of their own, love these two players. And Spider, you struck gold with welcoming Fletch to the team.

2 years ago

Still loving the League games! And those Centurions! I think Spider needs to give that squad its own name soon, considering they just absolutely murder stuff every single game

john roberts
Lifetime Member
john roberts
2 years ago

Red Meta!

Gerard Gomis
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Nice game! I love that Flesh Tearer army Spider!

2 years ago

Great game, loving the league and the tactical plays. Well done both, good winners and losers. Lawrence, please stop tempting me to include centurions in my BT list!

2 years ago

Every time one of you says donkey punch I’m taken aback because…well it’s a thing that can be Googled…

Andreas Jensen
Andreas Jensen
2 years ago

Rules question: Am I misunderstanding or did Lawrence take saves on Centurions in cover (when the hammerheads were shooting them), but fail to remove the model(s) in cover when they failed?

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Lawrence ruthlessly makes the best out of the tools he is presented, I loathe Sanguinary Guards, far too cheap, early Hive Guard 9th disgust, but hey so are the rules. Fletcher gimps himself with the Stormsurge, it did not deliver at any time unfortunately in any game so far. Maybe use Longstrike and some more crisis instead? Hammerheads seem to work for you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Humphrey_Appleby
Justin Prato
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

Good game. That first charge roll was so Spider to make a 10″ charge. Also the Centruians was brilliant and has been paying dividends in every league game. I hope the blood angel players in my meta don’t catch on to this. I also don’t care for the Stromsurge. For the points I think you can bring a ripetide and ghostkeel, which would be much more manverable and bring probably about the same firepower.

Adrián Perez Martínez
Lodge Member
Adrián Perez Martínez
2 years ago

Lawrence you are the best, great game. Please just please don’t “cry” at the start of every game. You are such a great player that it is a bit annoying to see you whine. Your tactical mastery is such that you will overcome any match-up difficulty.

Keep it going ¡


Lifetime Member
2 years ago

I feel if Fletcher just sacrificed those kroot as more screens would be better. I’m also totally underwhelmed with that Storm Surge! I know you don’t unlimited models Fletch but more crisis suits to replace it would’ve been so much better for you. It’s such a point sink.
Great game and as always TTT rocks as the premier industry setting standard IMO! That’s why I’m a lifer now for the channel!

André Orthmann
2 years ago

While it was an amazing match to watch i think also a fault of Fletcher was to do exactly what Lawrence wants. Shooting at the Centurions. Latest when the S-guard was out to play i had shoot them insteed and tryed to shift those centurions as long as possible / move around them. Regarding the death company i would have used those Kroot to shield the more valuable targets against charges. Best example to show the big disadvantage of backline deployment. Even with Drukhari sort of speed and lots of fly keywords it would put one pretty much in the… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by André Orthmann
Matt T
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

So excited to this game, but shouldn’t Fletcher get 20 points for painted armies?

Ben H
Lifetime Member
Ben H
2 years ago

Lawrence, you monster; Fletcher just wanted to do something cool!

The paint job on those Flesh Tearers is just to die for though. It’s sooooo gooooood. I need a Fletcher in my life.

Christopher Thiel
Christopher Thiel
2 years ago

Finally the Flesh Tearers return!

Max Small
Max Small
2 years ago

Really interesting game, I am learning so much. Great fun!

Would you say your board set up matched a competitive table, I’m new to tournament play there just seemed to be so much LOS terrain across the table.

Lodge Member
2 years ago

Great game, really interesting to see how Spider won the game by not engaging, good lesson… And Fletcher… its so fun to see how reserved you are turn one, and then as the game goes on you get more and more excitable 😉 and don’t forget to summon the “Dice God Lawrence” at least once a game 🙂

Rusty Iron Warrior
Lifetime Member
2 years ago

All those clumped up T’au would make an Iron Warriors basilisk division very happy!

Lodge Warrior Member
2 years ago

Great game, as always the League is the best for me!

Last edited 2 years ago by Stefano
Manuka Cliffe
Manuka Cliffe
2 years ago

I know it didn’t make a difference to the game but coldstar commanders come with target lock so they always ignore light cover. Also with the stormsurge shouldn’t it have had exploding 6’s turn 3 against the sanguinary guard?

Lodge Member
2 years ago

@ Lawrence that was 💪 exquisite.

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