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It’s a 4 player, 6000 point extravaganza to celebrate the release of the brand new Space Marines Codex! With Bard […]

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Ever wondered how the game of 40k worked in the past, or how it got to where it is today? […]

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It is the debut of the Dark Mechanics on YouTube, kicking it off with a 6000 Point Game! As Beard […]

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It’s a Knight-off! With Jinx and Bard battling it out to see who has the superior forces, will the new […]

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Fletcher is back with a quick tutorial on how to paint Tyranid Brains! We hope you enjoy this quick and […]

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The first Codex of 10th Edition has arrived with a bang as we bring every single Tyranid from the TT […]

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  Joining us in the studio today SkaredCast brings his Drukhari all the way from Canada to take on Jinx […]

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Itz da Orks tryna be as sneaky as dey can be aboard this Ark of Omen, with Bard at the […]

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Emerging from the depths of the sea, Chef leads the Idoneth Deepkin against Jinx’s Spooky Ghosts!

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The Tabletop Tactics Podcast is a show where each week we discuss a different Tale, Topic or Tangent and hear […]